Milaca MN

Milaca is in central Mille Lacs county and is the county seat. There are many businesses in Milaca a public school system and several farms nearby.

Minnesota Solar Jobs doubled in 2 years

February 10, 2016
News release from Minnesota Department of commerce

"Minnesota solar jobs more than doubled in past two years, with bright future ahead for state’s solar industry"

"SAINT PAUL – The number of solar jobs in Minnesota more than doubled during th
e past two years and, thanks to solar-friendly state and federal policies, the job surge is expected to continue, according to the Minnesota Solar Jobs Census.

Road Construction

Hwy 169 north of Milaca
Description: Reconstruct 6.4 miles of NB Hwy 169 north of Milaca, extend turn lanes
Status: Aug 2015-Aug 2016
Traffic Impacts: Close NB lanes, switch traffic to one lane in each direction on SB side of road. Narrow temporary lanes and crossovers, reduced speed limit.

Lunar Eclipse


Full Lunar Eclipse from Saturday Morning 5am - 7am CDT. Full Lunar Elipse only happen with a full moon.

Video from last year:


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